There are a few funny Christmas jokes in English...
- We had Grandma for Christmas dinner.
- Really? We had turkey...
HAD oznacza przyjmować w gości lub mieć coś do zjedzenia
- Who is never hungry at Christmas?
- The turkey - he's always stuffed!
TURKEY to indyk, a STUFFED oznacza nadziewany albo najedzony
- Why are Christmas trees like bad knitters?
- They both drop needles!
KNITTER to dziewiarz, czyli osoba robiąca na drutach, a NEEDLES to igły lub druty
- What did the big candle say to the little candle?
- I'm going out tonight.
GO OUT oznacza zgasnąć lub wyjść z domu
- What do monkeys sing at Christmas?
- Jungle bells, jungle bells...
JUNGLE to dżungla, w oryginale kolędy jest oczywiście JINGLE BELLS ;)
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