Cześć! Dzisiaj mam dla Was powiedzenie, o którym przypomniałam sobie oglądając Hobbit'a (ciekawe, czy jeśli oglądaliście już film, to je wyłapaliście... a jeśli jeszcze nie widzieliście, to przysłuchujcie się bardzo uważnie jak będziecie oglądać ;)
Mowa o ...
out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
Z definicji:
z dzeszczu pod rynnę
kilka przykładów:
Wife: I had a terrible day. I had a huge fight with my boss, and my mother and I are mad at each other, too.
Husband: It’s about to get much worse.
Wife: Why?
Husband: I think we should get a divorce.
Wife: Well, I’m out of the frying pan and into the fire!
Husband: It’s about to get much worse.
Wife: Why?
Husband: I think we should get a divorce.
Wife: Well, I’m out of the frying pan and into the fire!
Wendy had a bad day when she lost her job because of the bad economy. She went out of the frying pan and into the fire when she also lost her house because she couldn’t pay her mortgage.
1942' Disney
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